Fucking Festive
Published On: December 17, 2024

TL:DR for anyone else with a short attention span, all eight of these patterns + the two star books are over on this post for any Rampant Nonsense folks, they’ll be there through the end of January.

Did I wake up Friday, decide fuck it, I have enough stuff to fill a tree, let’s be fucking festive, drive to a wee piece of land I might have bought earlier this year, cut down a little tree (yes, yes with garden shears), shove it in the front seat of my car, and drive it home? Yup.

Did I spend Saturday and Sunday learning how to put up and light a tree, then drag out the sample bin and start throwing things at the aforementioned tree? Uh huh.

Did I then decide that clearly the window behind the tree needed to be filled with paper stars? Mmmm hmmm.

Has this cured the despair caused by the complete lack of sunlight this time of year? No, but by god the sunset has already moved 2 minutes later (4:01pm instead of 3:59pm) from its earliest time, and I’m taking full credit for it.

Did I decide to make it so anyone on patreon with a Rampant Nonsense membership can be able to get all the stuff I used, just in case you also need to move the sunset earlier where you are? Also yes. That’s all over on this post right here.

For anyone wanting the run down, that’s: Scintillation (the knitted stars), Drifts (the embroidered snowballs), Tethered (the mittens), Inscribe and Bedeck (both tiny hats), Preserves (strawberries), Toasted (marshmallows), and Unspooled (the spools of thread), plus both Gleaming and Glowing (the two books of paper stars)! They’ll be there through the end of January.

Which should be more than enough to keep you distracted until you start to feel the light coming back into your days.

Hang in there. Make weird things. Give people tiny treasures. Be festive out of pure spite (because the people who don’t like you hate it when you’re full of joy), or tuck up at home and be a complete hermit and have a marvelous time finally bringing order to your spice drawer (because that will make you truly happy). Whatever you do, and however you celebrate, here’s to being too stubborn for this year to beat you. You’ve got this!

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