Back in the early part of July, when I was up to my neck in a giant school project and starting to go a bit crazy around the edges, I cast on these socks. They helped me avoid chewing my fingernails off. A few days later, the neighbor’s son rang the doorbell and handed us a sick kitten. The socks kept me from crying at the vet’s office (Douglas is fine, I’m just a total softie about kittens). Then we went to the woods for a family event and off to Portland for Sock Summit and up to Buffalo for a concert. The socks came along for all of these and kept my hands occupied on lots of long drives. Once we were back home, we got to figure out house painters and endure the banging, funny smells, and unexpected repairs that seem to be part of the house painting process. It seemed only fitting to take pictures of the sock on the about-to-be-painted-aaaaaaaany-day-now back porch.
They were more or less magic…involved enough to hold my attention, but soothing enough to work when I was tired or frazzled. The long loops were shamefully entertaining (ooooh, which color will the next one be), and the fit is great.
I’ve named them Rampant, and they’re over on ravelry if your own mental health needs a bit of bolstering.
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