Curiouser and Curiouser
Published On: November 30, 2011

The Boy and I have reservations at a very nice restaurant tonight.  If you’ve been reading a while, you might recall that I mentioned that the book writing process has surprisingly few moments where it feels like you’ve really reached a milestone.  There are lots of concurrent steps, and just because you’ve finished one doesn’t mean you don’t have 4 other things to do.  I found that distressing last time around, and I vowed to celebrate all the milestones I could with this one.  And I’ve reached one.  The website for Book the Second is officially live today.  Any chance you’d like to look at it?


The Knitter’s Curiosity Cabinet:

Twenty Patterns Inspired by Vintage Botanical Prints

And now for some questions I’m guessing someone will ask…plus a few pictures, just because I can!

1) No, you can’t start knitting quite yet!  The book is now available for preorder (at a discount).  The electronic version will be going out in the Spring and the physical version a month or so later.

2) Yes, it is all up on Ravelry so you can add it to your queue and start making plans and linking to it with abandon. The book’s page is right here.

3) Yes, this one includes more than just socks.  There are 10 sock patterns and 10 accessory patterns…something to tempt everyone!

4) Yes there will be more to come.  I’m working on a blog tour, some interviews, and some special ways to get started on a few of the patterns early.  But that will all be sorted out over the next several weeks, and I wanted to share this with you now.


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