I’ve taken a middle of the road approach. I’ve packed the socks in progress. I’ve also packed blockers to finish them, so hopefully I’ll get pictures of them (and of the ones I finished back in August) while we’re away. And of course I have a wee knitting tool kit (my 4 most used sizes of DPNs, ruler, darning needle, scissors, hook), some graph paper, a pencil, a few pattern ideas that have been running rampant on sticky notes, and two balls of wound yarn. That should keep me busy for a while at least.
Oh, and lest you worry, I have worked out a way to keep shipping stuff while I’m away. It may take an extra day or two, but I’ll stick a wee bonus goody into any packages that go while I’m away to help console you for any possible delays (and of course, as always, you’ll get the electronic version within a few minutes of your purchase).
There will also be plenty of stuff on the blog while I’m gone (be sure you check it out on Monday for a giveaway). I’ll try (try mind you, sometimes it’s not my strong suit) to tweet all the fun stuff I do at Rhinebeck.
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