One of my many goals in this life is to skip over being old and go right into being venerable. I like the sound of venerable much better than old. It has all the respect and wisdom bits, but sounds like it might avoid the creaky knees and questionable eyebrows that sometimes come with old. In the service of this goal, I’m prone to occasional bouts of age-inappropriate action. I figure if I’m going to outrun old and chase down venerable, I have to be unpredictable.
The most recent of these bouts occurred this past Thursday when I somehow found myself heading down to Columbus (about a two and a half hour drive) to attend a concert that started at 10. Just to be clear, its not that I was playing hooky for the day to go to a concert that started at 10 in the morning. No, that’s 10 in the evening. There’s no way to go to a concert at 10, then drive home, and then get the requisite amount of sleep, and still have a fully productive Friday. At least not for me. My options are ‘sleep all day, get nothing done’ or ‘subsist on 4 hours of sleep, shamble zombie-like through the day.’
But the concert was good. It was Savior Adore, they were disgustingly chipper for the hour, and everyone else at the concert seemed to be about 14 years old. With any luck, this takes care of my quota for staying up late for the month, and I can go back to my regularly scheduled napping.
Oh, and one final reminder, the early preorder discount on KCC2 expires at the end of the day today. The price on both versions of the book will go up tomorrow. The whole schedule is spelled out over here, and of course you can order the book over here.
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