Published On: May 3, 2013

Yes, yes indeed I have been remiss.  My magical socks?  The super fast ones?  Well they are indeed quick, but they are not quite self knitting.  I’ll likely finish up the first one this weekend.  In the meantime, I think I’ve figured out why this yarn seems to be magic.

When you look at it straight on, it is blue.  Blue and purple and green.  But still, the predominant color is totally blue.  See?

Ok, when you turn it and look down the sock, you’ll see the yarn has a bit of a halo.  That halo, quite perplexingly, is not blue.  it’s a reddish brown.  Just the halo, if you look carefully (especially where the sock wraps around the edge of the blocker), you’ll see it.  This is awfully hard to photograph, but this might show you a bit of what I mean.

I have absolutely no idea how one dyes a yarn so that the body of it is one color and the halo another, but that seems to be what’s happened here.  It means the yarn changes color rather dramatically as you look at it from one angle to the next.  Hard to photograph, deeply baffling, absolutely lovely.

One quick heads up, the eversion of Knitter’s Curiosity Cabinet, Volume II, goes live on Tuesday!  If you’ve ordered it, you’ll get an email when it does that will let you download the full version.  Just so you know, the discount and free pattern offer on the eversion goes away when the eversion goes live.  So if you’ve been waiting to order, this is your last chance to do so at a discount.  All the details are spelled out on the book’s page.  I can’t wait for everyone to see it!

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