Ready, Set, …
So did I mention the new book? The one that goes up for presale on Friday? Well, I mean I know I’ve mentioned it in passing (if you look back at old posts tagged sneakypants, you can see many of the things I’ve said about it) , but I think I’ve actually been fairly circumspect about its contents. Given that it’s coming out this Friday, I think we can likely lift the veil just a bit, don’t you?
How about a quick shot of some of the test pages the printer sent? I’ll have a proper picture of all the projects tomorrow, but this might give you a sense of the thing!
So yes, as some of you guessed, these are all wraps. Lovely, asymmetrical wraps that are marvelously easy to wear and ridiculously fun to knit. Every time I take one out in public, people come up and ask me where I got it and how they can get one. The same thing happened when I was taking the photos for the book and when my sample knitter was making them. I have a feeling folks are going to like them, I can’t wait to show them to you!
And, just for fun, I’m trying something new with the presale for this one. There will, of course, be presale discounts for everyone who buys early. But this time, as an added treat, I’ve got lovely goody bags for the first 250 people who buy the paper book! They’re full of knitting tools and treats, and I think you’ll be delighted with them. But because there are a limited number of goody bags, I want to make sure you have plenty of advance notice so you can snag an early spot and get one of your own.
The full schedule, in all its alarming detail will go up tomorrow. I’ll also send an email out to the mailing list as things go up (sign up right here if you’re not on it yet). But if you happen to have a moment free early Friday afternoon, you may want to plan to stop by!
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