Kitten Overlord Levon wants to be sure that we are all aware of his work in the furtherance of the knitting cause. He is worried Kitten Overlord Douglas may steal too much attention, so he asked me to mention just how hard he works to keep me firmly settled in my seat, busily cooking up new projects. He guards my tea and delicately pats my knee with one paw if I do anything as ill considered as getting up.
He does ask, however, that we not discuss the small whisker in cream incident that occurred shortly after this picture was taken. Even he cannot resist all temptation.
And just so it’s not all kittens all the time, I’ll sneak in with a tiny bit of knitting. The pattern for these is coming back out tomorrow (yay!). As always, mailing list folks will get a shiny discount code. If you’re not already on the list, you can sneak on now and get all the info when stuff comes out.
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