So a little while ago, a friend said something along the lines of ‘have you seen this yarn?’ I allowed as how I had not and took a look. It was indeed lovely.
Then I happened to notice that the yarn company happened to be vending at the Maine Fiber Frolic and asked, in a causal sort of way, why I hadn’t had the foresight to arrange to be in Maine that weekend. A few minutes later, it was brought to my attention that air fare was shockingly reasonable. As was lodging. A few hours later, the trip was booked.
And so we found ourselves in Maine.
Now I confess, I did not lug the camera off to the fiber frolic. It’s heavy, and I wanted my hands free for yarn (besides, there are only so many pictures of goats and sheep and bunnies you really need to see). But I did catch a bit of water.
And even a wee little heart rock.
And yes, there was much yarn to be had. Don’t worry, that’s coming next time!
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