Let’s show off more socks
Published On: November 21, 2019

Ok, we’re juuuuust about to the end of the preorder, which means I’m up to my elbows in mailing labels and book boxes (because you are all awesome, thank you!).  So while I do that (which is important, but not photogenic), how about I show off the rest of the socks!

These are Netted, and they’re in Apex by Seven Sisters Arts in the color Water Nymph.  This is what happens when you just give in and indulge your shameless fascination with teeny tiny twisted stitch cables and let them run wild and do whatever they want!

These are Poised, and they’re in Chickadee by Quince & Co in the color Angelica.  These are a perfect example of what happens when one part of your brain is saying ‘no, this is not the place for lace’ and the other part of your brain is saying ‘nope, hold on, I have an idea’ and you just stand back and let them fight it out.

These are Polished, and they’re in Everyday DK by Ontheround in the color Hologram.  These are what happen when you take a very very simple idea (ribbed socks), allow yourself only one change (make the foot swoooooopy) and run with it.  And I think they’re pretty nifty.

These are Affixed, and they’re in Bluestocking by String Theory Hand Dyed Yarn in the color Bimini.  And I’m telling you know, if you cast them on, clear your schedule, because you’re not going to be able to put them down until they’re done.  That sweet, goofy little bubble stitch is just so much fun (especially in a yarn with colors like that) that you’re not going to be able to stop.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be off stuffing envelopes.  You’ve got till noon tomorrow to grab the book on preorder, and you can cast on next week!

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