Summer School, Socks
We did this last year and it was kind of fun, so I’m doing it again. We’re holding summer school. Instead of bringing out new patterns this month, I’m going to take shameless advantage of my ability to hold forth on knitted socks and just sort of natter on about them at alarming length.
I’ll pick a different topic each week. We’ll start by talking about how to make your socks extra thick and cozy (which is secretly an excuse to talk about picking suitable sock yarns and checking gauge and doing a bit of math…but I promise it won’t be scary). Then we’ll talk about heels and toes (both adjusting them to suit your feet and making them extra pretty). Then we’ll take a little detour and talk about slippers for a moment (because really, all the things I have to say about socks work for slippers too). Then we’ll finish out the month with socks that do something sneaky (because sure, socks need party tricks too).
I’ll do a big post on Mondays to start each week off. Then Tuesday through Friday I’ll pick a pattern that shows off what we’re talking about that week. On those Tuesday through Friday posts, I’ll put whichever pattern I’m talking about on sale for that day (so you may want to either keep an eye on the blog or on instagram if you want to catch them while the sale is on), then at the end of the month we’ll do a little something special in case the sock you were thinking about didn’t happen to be on the curriculum or you slept late that day and missed class!
Pssst, Levon came along and helped with the socks!
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