Kittens! Sales! Good deeds! What’s not to love? There’s gonna be a BIG sale tomorrow (you may want to set an alarm), and we’re going to help some kittens.
Read on for the details!
So, if you don’t watch my instagram stories or follow me on twitter, you might not know about the kitten interlopers. But yeah, there are kitten interlopers.
Just over two weeks ago, I saw what I thought was a funny looking squirrel scampering up the tree in my flower bed.
It was not a squirrel.
It was a kitten.
Or rather, it was several kittens.
This caused precisely the reaction you would expect (swearing, squealing, a shocking number of blurry photos taken through the screen, more swearing, then panicked scheming on how we could help the furry little blighters).
A friend put us in touch with our local humane society (Pope Memorial Humane Society), and they totally came to the rescue! They dashed right over with traps so we could catch mama and the babies, took mama off to get fixed and vaccinated (mama is feral and not adoptable, she’s since been released on familiar territory so she can keep doing her thing without having more kittens), provided medical care for the kittens (and moral support for us), and are helping with placements for the kittens (though yes, yes we are totally keeping one of them).
So I want to do something for them. I want to have a big sale and send the profits their way. Because they do really good work, and they need resources to do it!
So, starting tomorrow morning at 10 AM eastern time, all my books and patterns will be 50% off for either five hours, or until we raise $5,000 for the shelter, whichever comes first.
I’ll be donating all the profits to the shelter (that means I keep enough to cover the transactions fees that I get charged when I make a sale, but otherwise they’re getting what we raise). Come back tomorrow at 10 AM eastern time for the details (links, coupon codes, you know the drill).
So, set an alarm, come grab some patterns, and then (once you’ve gotten yours!) help me spread the word so we can help lots of kittens (and other critters) have happy, healthy lives!
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