Did I know about the Fiber Witch Festival this time last week? No, no I did not. Did I find myself there this past Saturday? Yup, yup I did. For you see, it was only about three hours from my house. And they were requiring masks for the first hour of the market. And well…that’s the sort of thing I want to encourage! So, I set out on a little adventure.
Then I promptly forgot to take even a single photo at the festival. What can I say, I was distracted by all the lovely yarn. And now, now I will distract you.
That lovely bit of business on the left is three skeins of Cape May Fiber’s DK Merino Superwash in Mother of Pearl. And the delightful treats on the right are a Berry Gradient Yarn Set and a skein of Blackberry, both by Subito Farm. These are both new to me dyers (there were So Many New To Me Dyers at the festival, which always feels like a treat), and they both had lots of other temptations on offer!
So now…now I have to decide what to do with them. Tell me what y’all like to do with braids. I’m feeling a brioche sort of vibe where the background is the solid skein and the foreground moves through the colored bits, but I totally haven’t decided…
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