Bits…with caveats
Published On: December 9, 2024

Ok, people want the bits. And I get that, I do! But the truth is they are a) hard to find, b) expensive even if you do find them, and c) irritating to use.

As in, the existing commercial tools to make these…well…kinda suck. And if you like to make the fancier versions of the stars, you’re probably going to be frustrated with them. So I will tell you what I can, but with the caveats that they are only sometimes available, they’re gonna seem awfully expensive, and you’re going to say rude things when you use them. And the deal here is you are not going to come back to me scolding me for them being hard to find or expensive or irritating to use, because I really did say that right up front. But with that out of the way…I’ve got a post up over here with the closest I can come to finding the pieces and some suggestions on where to look for more!

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