Published On: January 13, 2025

I…I might have started a little project. Maybe. Possibly. When no one was looking. By accident you understand. ⁠

And it’s not done. Nope, not done at all. But I might possibly have gotten the first draft back. You know, the one where all I can see is the seven tiny things I’m going to tweak, and so of course I cannot show it to you properly. Because showing someone a draft of something when there are still things left to fix is too soul-searingly intimate to be borne by a mere mortal such as myself, because my brain insists everyone I show it to is secretly sneering and thinking ‘ew, does she not see the glaring flaws, who does she think is, let’s all join together so we can mock her in unison,’ even though I know that is absolutely not true. Because my brain is far meaner than any of you ever are. And yet still, I believe its ridiculous lies. ⁠

But maybe we can have just a tiiiiiiiiny little preview. Because good things are on the way!

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