Subtle, or?
Published On: January 16, 2025

The sweater had a tiny hole. I have a pile of pretty silk embroidery floss from Molly Girl Yarn. And also the requisite amount of gumption to tackle this task. The only question is do we go subtle, or…enthusiastic.

I’m leaning towards enthusiastic, mostly because once a sweater starts getting wee holes, it tends to get more. And while you can sometimes get one wee hole to go away fairly quietly, that gets tricky the more there are.

Plus also I’m more comfortable moving around the world in something I’ve mended than I used to be. Because really, no one has once said ‘oh…did you…did you mend that?’ in a sneering tone. They have, instead, repeatedly said ‘oh my god, did you embroider on that?!? It looks fantastic!! How do you do that?!? I wanna do that!!’ And really, in the vanishingly unlikely event that anyone did say anything mean, I’d be perfectly comfortable saying ‘why yes of course darling, don’t you care enough to take care of your clothes?’ Because my god but I have gotten good at handing weird back to sender when needed. And holy fuck life is better for it.

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