Published On: January 28, 2025

Ahem. Again, I cannot stress enough how much these things are destined to happen when I am left unsupervised. You know it. I know it. It’s really just best not to fight it.

Yes, I’m going to get it ready for you as soon as I possibly can! In the meantime, if you happened to want to go find peg dolls (the bigger the better, mine are around 3.5 and 4.75 inches tall).

Amazon links are affiliate links. Because yes, they absolutely are evil. And also they are where most folks are going to be best able to find things like this, and if those evil assholes are going to make money because I show you something and you end up buying it, I’m cool with it if they give me a little bit of that money. I will always always always encourage you to buy this stuff locally if that’s an option for you, and you can also totally search for them on your own if you would prefer they get all the money from it instead of giving me a tiny percentage of it.

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