Monthly Reminder
Published On: January 31, 2025

Monthly Reminder! Abortions are good. Abortion pills are safe and effective up to 13 weeks. You can order abortion pills online. Even if you’re not pregnant right now. Even if you cannot afford to pay for them. Even if you live in a state with a ban.

Abortion information is being actively suppressed online. (That means it’s SUPER HELPFUL IF YOU LIKE/SAVE/SHARE THIS POST. No really, it actually helps.) Instagram and facebook are hiding or taking down posts from accounts that talk about it too much, search engines are prioritizing misleading search results and making money off ads from crisis pregnancy centers, (the government website that outlined reproductive health information) has been taken down, and mentions of abortion have been removed from many federal websites, all of which makes it harder than ever to find accurate information.

It’s infuriating and terrifying. And the best thing I can do about it is be a giant loudmouth. So…

You can get safe and effective abortion pills online from Aid Access. They will send them to you no matter where you live. They will cover the cost if you cannot afford them. You can get them even if you are not pregnant right now (they last at least two years). They are based outside the US and do not give a single fuck about US law enforcement agencies.

You can find other places to get abortion pills online on Plan C Pills‘ website.

You can keep up with news about what’s happening by following Abortion Every Day, and you can find accurate and inclusive sex ed on Scarleteen.

You can get legal help from If When How, you can get medical help from M+A Hotline, you can get help finding financial and logistical support from the National Network of Abortion Funds, and you can get emotional support from Reprocare.

I post this shit every month so it’s easy to find.

I post this shit every month so you know exactly how I feel.

I post this shit every month to piss off every single person who thinks I should ‘just stick to knitting.’

If that bugs you, please see yourself out! If it delights you, follow all those folks I tagged up there and make sure your friends and family know exactly how you feel.

Be loud.

It helps.

P.S. I post this stuff on instagram every month, and the format there means that slides/images are the best way to share the information. So I’ve got a stack of images. But they’re slightly weird here, where I have, ahem, more faith that folks will read the text of the post as well. But I’m putting them here as well because it seems like the best thing to do, given…waves hands generally at the outside world. Just in case you’re feeling like the images are a weird vibe/say the same stuff as the text.

P.P.S Links for the stuff on the last slide:

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