Have a download code from a printed book, pattern, kit, or email? You’ve come to the right place!
But before we get started, if you want to keep the electronic version of your book or pattern in your ravelry library (I strongly suspect you do), make sure you’re logged into your ravelry account before you go any further.
These are all single use codes, so if you aren’t logged in, there’s no way to go back and put the pattern in your ravelry library later. I cannot stress strongly enough that you really do want to log into your ravelry account before you use the download code.
To make sure you’re logged in go to ravelry. If you see the log in page, log in. If you see the regular ravelry home page (the one that shows your ravatar in the upper right hand corner), you’re all set.
Once you’re sure you’re logged into ravelry, click the button below. On the page that comes up, put in your code (I recommend copy/pasting it if it came in an email), click use this coupon, and checkout. You’ll be able to download a free electronic version of your book or pattern.
You’ll know it worked because the total price of your purchase will show as free and you won’t be taken to paypal at all.
If something odd happens, log out of ravelry, close your browser, and try again. If that doesn’t take care of it, send me a message and let me know what’s happening (and what your code is) and we’ll see what we can figure out. But so far restarting your browser and logging into ravelry again has solved pretty much every problem I’ve come across!
Please remember, these are single use codes. That means if you got the book from the library or from a used book store, or if you got an email forwarded from a friend, the code may already have been used. It won’t work a second time.
Oh, and if you’re looking in the back of your book thinking “my code is missing,” don’t forget to scratch off the silver stuff. Your code is under there!

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