
Right. So. The urge to stab something persists. But so does the deep and abiding need to make cute things that bring me (and hopefully some of you) a little bit of joy when everything feels grim. And that means I end up knitting things like this! If you are feeling that same infuriating mixture of rage and despair and an absolutely fierce determination to find joy where you can and shower everyone in your life with as much love as possible, and you want to make some of these for yourself, you can use the code LOVESTRUCK to take [...]

February 4, 2025|

It’s not…

'But what's it for?' is officially one of my top three least favorite questions. Sometimes it's not *for* anything. It's just...a little dude. A little guy. A little buddy. A little thing that you can make and hold and play with. And yeah, sure, fine. You can probably find something to do with it (it makes a pretty spectacular bracelet or hair ornament or curtain tie back or book mark or plant tie or bow on a present or half a dozen things I'm sure I haven't thought of yet but am completely confident that some of you will discover). [...]

February 3, 2025|

Monthly Reminder

Monthly Reminder! Abortions are good. Abortion pills are safe and effective up to 13 weeks. You can order abortion pills online. Even if you're not pregnant right now. Even if you cannot afford to pay for them. Even if you live in a state with a ban. Abortion information is being actively suppressed online. (That means it's SUPER HELPFUL IF YOU LIKE/SAVE/SHARE THIS POST. No really, it actually helps.) Instagram and facebook are hiding or taking down posts from accounts that talk about it too much, search engines are prioritizing misleading search results and making money off ads from crisis [...]

January 31, 2025|


Ahem. Again, I cannot stress enough how much these things are destined to happen when I am left unsupervised. You know it. I know it. It's really just best not to fight it. Yes, I'm going to get it ready for you as soon as I possibly can! In the meantime, if you happened to want to go find peg dolls (the bigger the better, mine are around 3.5 and 4.75 inches tall). Amazon links are affiliate links. Because yes, they absolutely are evil. And also they are where most folks are going to be best able to find things [...]

January 28, 2025|

Toy? Tool? Both?

Do I, or anyone anywhere need this? I'm going to say no. Nope. No one truly needs to quickly knit i-cord in quantity. Has that stopped me? Clearly not. I like this one, by Prym, because it's sturdy and the mechanism works smoothly, even when you do things it is absolutely not mean to use it to cover yards and yards and yards of wire in i-cord. For no particular reason (no seriously, I'm not actually sure what I'm going to do with this, I just suspect it'll amuse me so I did it...) (Standard amazon affiliate link disclosure [...]

January 24, 2025|


My country is inaugurating a fascist rapist today. Again. Instead of a competent woman. Again. And that's doing a number on my brain, so I'm going to spend the day working on the next iteration of this. It's one giant piece of paper folded up to make several pockets. The idea is that I'll hang it on the wall and fill the pockets with things that bring me joy. If you are able to avoid the news and make something today, I highly recommend it. You don't have to watch the absolute travesty taking place. It will still happen whether [...]

January 20, 2025|

Tidy up

Now that all three stitches are in place, you can go back and tidy them up. It's likely to be an iterative process. Tighten them a little, stretch the fabric, tighten them a little more, stretch it again, keep going like that until it looks right. Once it's done, tie the ends off inside the hat. Normally I'm not a fan of knots, but here the yarn isn't structural (nothing will come apart if the knot comes untied, it's just a cosmetic fix not a structural change) and the underlying fabric is textured enough that the knot will just sink [...]

January 19, 2025|


Start by duplicate stitching over stitch below the wonky bit, and leave your stitches big and sloppy. No really, biiiiiiig and sloppy. Looser is better. Then duplicate stitch over the miscreant and just...put it in the right way. I know, you have to look at it and see what the right way is...and that's a little vague. But you can do it. Then do the same thing for the stitch above the wonky bit. Doing three (the one before, the dodgy one, and the one after) helps the whole thing blend in at the end. And again, Loose And Sloppy. [...]

January 18, 2025|
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