You know what this means don't you? (Well yes, yes it does mean my entire front yard is covered in a foot of snow and is a featureless, frigid whiteout of despair...but that's not exactly what I had in mind...look at the yarn instead of the background.) It means it's almost photo shoot time. The next photo shoot is in early April, and these are all the yarns I've used in it. Running top to bottom we've got Bare Naked Wools, Vice, Quince, SweetGeorgia, Frog Tree, Phydeaux, Elemental Effects, Alchemy, Blue Moon Fiber Arts, Manos, Uncommon Thread, Lorna's Laces, Anzula, [...]
You know how I said each book ends up with its own distinctive palette? Well, all the yarn for the next book (yes, yes I am already deep into the next one, that's how it works) is here now, and it appears the colors for this one are sherbet crossed with Rainbow Brite (what can I say, I'm a child of the 80s, I think I had Rainbow Brite sheets). All I can say in my defense is that I was picking these yarns in the middle of February and it was gray. I promise they actually work beautifully with [...]
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