Countdown 24

Today only, Curls, Curls 2, and Curls 3 are all on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN (the code works for any or all of them, just be sure you put them all in your cart at the same time if you want more than one). Curls is the book that made me brave enough to stop pretending to everyone else that I wanted a respectable grown up job and finally just go ahead and do this weird thing I do instead.  There were quite a few folks who were quietly (or not so quietly) worried [...]

December 24, 2019|

Countdown 23

Today only, the Fine Things for Plain Occasions on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. If you know me at all, you know this is the me-est book ever imaginable.  Patterns based off of vintage etiquette guides?  Check.  Hardback book with a freaking ribbon bookmark? Check. Photoshoot at an ever so slightly gothic manor? Check.  Really you could not come up with something more suited to my personal proclivities if you tried.  And even if the patterns are not your jam, you owe it to yourself to go read a few of the quotes from the [...]

December 23, 2019|

Countdown 22

Today only, the Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet books (Volumes I, II, and III) are on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN (it works for any or all of them, just put them all in your cart at once if you want more than one of them). Do you want to know a secret?  My only regret about this whole series is that I didn't put 'Volume I' on the first one.  Everyone I talked to about doing books warned me against it.  They said if you put volume one, and then don't do a volume two, you'll [...]

December 22, 2019|

Countdown 21

Today only, Silk Road Socks is on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. This is the book that started it all.  Silk Road Socks was my very first book, way way way back when.  I published it with someone else and well...well I've always been the opinionated sort, I don't play well with others, and I should have known better.  It was out of print for a long time, and eventually the rights came back to me.  So a few years ago I redid it the way I'd always wanted to.  More sizes, beautiful illustrations, and even [...]

December 21, 2019|

Countdown 20

Today only, Firmament is on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. That hat, that one in the front there? That hat has a lot to answer for.   It's by far my most popular individual pattern.  And the response to it helped convince me that you would not all run screaming if I experimented with more of the lovely dip stitches.  I put a bunch of them together in a book (along with some variations on the stitches because I've always secretly cherished a burning desire to do a stitch dictionary, and this was a way to [...]

December 20, 2019|

Countdown 19

Today only, Ne'er-Do-Well Knits is on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. So this isn't a single pattern, it's a tiny little book (click over to the ravelry page to see the other patterns in it).  It's from back when I used to think it was totally reasonable to do two books a year and one or two patterns a month on non book months and be a full time grad student.  All of which means I don't actually remember much about making it because I was way too exhausted to actually lay down long term [...]

December 19, 2019|

Countdown 18

Today only, Hoard is on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. This is the single quickest thing I've ever knit.  As in, I very literally knit a dozen of them in an afternoon.  They have about as many stitches as two rows of a sock.  You can knit them in less time than it takes to do a load of laundry or bake a loaf of bread.  The only possibly tricky part might be finding acorn caps if you're somewhere snowy.  But even then, sometimes if you look up close to the trunks the snow isn't [...]

December 18, 2019|

Countdown 17

Today only, Inscribe is on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. I very much hope you're done with any gift knitting at this point and you are sitting there, relaxed, drinking your hot chocolate, pondering how you want to wrap your presents or decorate your tree, or maybe even just knitting for fun because I've heard that's a thing people do.  And if that's the case, I have a feeling these could be just the thing.  There are twelve tiny, slip stitch hats here (plus an absurdly detailed guide to making perfect tassels, because ornament hats [...]

December 17, 2019|

Countdown 16

Today only, Spicule is on sale on ravelry for 25% off with the code COUNTDOWN. There is a frankly absurd amount of stuff in this pattern.  There are the three tiny hats, which knit up fast and make adorable tree ornaments or present toppers.  But there are also the same three hats in people sizes too.  Which means you could totally knit someone a hat to wear and wrap it up and put a tiny hat on top of the package as a bow.  Which would proooooooobably make the world end from an overdose of cuteness.  But if it's got [...]

December 16, 2019|
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