This is the view from my office door today. I'm pulling together all the various corrections from all the various editors and putting them into one master document that gets sent off to Zoe, the book designer (translation, it's really really really close to done, but it's still going to be a while before you guys get to see it). On the desk, from right to left we've got: KCC1 (to make sure any conventions established there are carried on here), Heather's notes, The Boy's notes, the notepad with a list of files to update, the coolest keyboard in the [...]
It is possible that I've spent too much time proofreading in the last few days. I'm not sure, but it seems likely. The hissy fit I just threw because I could not find the particular green pen that I'm using to make corrections on this print out might be a hint. The three minute rant I delivered to the cats (no I cannot just use another pen, no not even another green pen, it has to be that pen or else it won't match the edits I've already made and could be another hint. As could the fact that [...]
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