To celebrate Inlay, I'm having a little bit of a knitalong. I'm doing it over in the Silk Road Socks group. I realized I wanted to make these socks when I was doing the research for that book. I saw all the gorgeous floors peeking out from under the rugs and filed away the idea of doing a pattern based on the fancy tile work. Inlay was the result. So I'm totally declaring it ok to host the knitalong in the same place. Now, if you're the sort who wants to make exactly the sock in the picture, I can [...]
I really don't like waiting. I'm bad at it. It makes me a tiny bit crazy (hey, maybe if I reload this page over and over and over the update will happen faster...hasn't worked yet, but I should still try because you never know when it might work). I'm an absolute delight on long car trips. But now the waiting is over. The socks that I started back when it was snowy, finished in March, and photographed in April...the socks that I thought were coming out on Monday...can now be shared. I'm pleased to present Inlay. And yes, I am [...]
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