Gold Star

I have come to the conclusion that I deserve a gold star sticker for successful adult-ing over the last two weeks.  In that time I put a few hundred books in the mail, went to Detroit for a show, came home, put a few hundred more books in the mail, went to Toronto for another show, came home, and put the very last of the preorder books in the mail.  Somewhere in there I actually managed to do a few loads of laundry, cook a few meals, do a few loads of dishes, and take enough showers not to raise [...]

July 1, 2014|

Sing me a Song

Sunday evening found us in a most unusual state.  Instead of being tucked up safely at home in our pajamas, we actually got up, got dressed and left the house.  This is especially impressive as The Boy was just getting over a nasty cold and I seemed to have accidentally encouraged some sort of alien parasite to take up residence on my tonsils and stab me each time I did anything so injudicious as breathe.  But, Jukebox The Ghost was playing right in our very own town.  We regularly leave the state to hear them play (and we drove down [...]

March 12, 2013|

Ran Away, Part 2

You know those days where everything just seems to line up and work?  Lots of stuff gets done without any feeling of being rushed or frantic?  Yeah, somehow we managed to have a whole weekend like that.  I'll do the abbreviated version here.  (Why? Because it's my website and I totally use it for shameless reminders of where I went when and oh what was that cool restaurant and when did we visit those folks and a whole list of other things.  That's why.  I totally encourage you to go find a more interesting corner of the internet today if [...]

September 18, 2012|

Ran Away

Friday afternoon we set kittens up to be self sufficient for a day or two, tossed a change of clothes in a bag, flung some things in the car, and ran away.  Our favorite band, Jukebox The Ghost, was playing in Ithaca.  We were unable to resist.  If you find them in a town near you, you shouldn't resist either. There's lots of yarny stuff to report too, but it will have to wait till later in the week.  But don't worry, it's coming.  I just have to see if I can get my camera to behave long enough to [...]

September 17, 2012|
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