Last Call, Knitter’s Curiosity Cabinet Books Retiring Soon
Oh man, this is a bit tough, but it has to be done. All three of the Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet books are almost gone. I have just a tiny handful of each left. Once those are gone, they're gone. I won't be printing more. You may still be able to find them on amazon for a little while (looks like they a few copies of each at the moment). And of course you may well be able to find used copies out in the world. But I won't have any more to send out to shops or individuals. And of [...]
Three is the magic number
In February and May I talked about the first two Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet books. it was unreasonably fun to go back and reminisce a bit about making them, and so I wanted to be sure to talk a bit about Volume III as well. Just like last time, I’ve put both the paper book and the electronic book on sale for 25% off and made the individual patterns available on ravelry (normally it’s only the whole book that’s available). You don’t need a code or anything, the prices are already changed. They’ll be that way through the end of the [...]
KCC3 Knit along, Planorbis corneus projects
The knit along for the projects based on the Fucus asparagoides print is starting over on ravelry. That's this super curly shawl, and these lovely socks. I am a huge believer in low-stress knit alongs, so this one is pretty laid back. Come, knit with us, chat, post pictures…I promise we’re friendly! Everyone is welcome, you can use whatever yarn you'd like. At the end of the knit along, I’ll find someone who has posted a picture of a finished project in the thread and send them happy mail. That’s pretty much all there is to it. If these are [...]
KCC3 Knit along, Fucus asparagoides projects
The knit along for the projects based on the Fucus asparagoides print is starting over on ravelry. That's this lovely curved shawl (I just love that shape far more than is reasonable, it's so easy to wear) and these super lacy socks.I am a huge believer in low-stress knit alongs, so this one is pretty laid back. Come, knit with us, chat, post pictures...I promise we're friendly! At the end of September, I'll find someone who has posted a picture of a finished project in the thread and send them happy mail. That's pretty much all there is to it. [...]
Pattern Spotlight and Yarn Giveaway
The last time we did this was so much fun, I can't help but do it again! I happen to have a bit more yarn from KCC3 to give away, and I think you're going to love it. This time it's the Bunodes crassicornis projects in Malabrigo's delicious yarns. That's Arroyo on the socks, and Rios on the hat. I've got two extra skeins of the Rios (in the color used in the book), and I'd like to send them off to two of you. I like having two ways to win, so let's do it again, shall we? For [...]
Busy busy busy
I'm just about to get in the car and head home (The Boy and I have been up in Toronto on an exploit which I will detail later). But before I do, I wanted to send one tiny reminder that today is the last day for the preorder discount on Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet Volume III. Tomorrow morning the last of the preorders go in the mail (I know lots of you have already gotten yours!), and that means preorder special pricing ends. So on the off chance you'd been meaning to order and hadn't quite gotten around to it, today's [...]
Pattern Spotlight and Yarn Giveaway
Picking yarns for a book is an odd task. It's both surprisingly hard (there are so many choices that the pressure to find the one perfect yarn can be a bit overwhelming), and undeniably awesome (because for days on end, my job is to haunt yarn companies' websites). Every now and then, during the yarn selecting process, you end up with an extra skein or two of yarn. This happened a few times with KCC3, and I totally want to share my good fortune with you guys. So over the next few weeks, I'll be showing off a few patterns [...]
Helper Kitten
The e version is live (meaning if you've bought it, you should get an email and likely a ravelry message saying you can update your file). I hope you all like it as much as I do! And now that that part is done, the putting books in envelopes part can begin. Levon has graciously agreed to keep me company while I work on this...very kind of him, it's a big project! (Don't worry, he only plays in the empty boxes, he doesn't get to mess with the books.) Oh, and because someone will ask, even if you missed out [...]
Electronic version goes live tomorrow
This is just a friendly little reminder that the electronic version of Knitters Curiosity Cabinet Volume III goes live tomorrow! That means that today is the last day to get a 20% discount on the electronic version and get a free pattern of your choice with the electronic version. Tomorrow morning, those things go away. The paper one will still be on sale (though at 10% off instead of 20% off like right now) and you'll still get a free pattern if you buy it (and of course, as always, if you buy the paper one from me you'll get [...]
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