Did you see the new knitty…

So, did you happen to see the new knitty?  There might just possibly be a sock in there I recognize! Planorbis corneus Sock, from the new book, is in this season's knitty.  It seemed like a lovely way to share a bit of the fun of the new book with everyone (and maybe take the edge off while you wait for the electronic version to go live on the 17th and the paper version to ship a bit later in the month). These socks are made with String Theory's lovely Bluestocking yarn.  And the inspiration for these socks was a [...]

June 12, 2014|

Knitty Pattern, Plus Sale!

Having a pattern in knitty is a funny thing.  You spend a long time knowing it's coming (but not being allowed to talk about it), you know it will be great fun, but you never know quiiiiite when it will happen.  That's the state I was in for the last several weeks, but after yesterday, the waiting is officially over.  May I present Deflect. These were actually my dad's birthday socks last year.  I finished them while The Boy and I were in Maine in October, and then shamelessly pressed The Boy into modeling them for a little photo shoot [...]

September 12, 2013|


I really don't like waiting.  I'm bad at it.  It makes me a tiny bit crazy (hey, maybe if I reload this page over and over and over the update will happen faster...hasn't worked yet, but I should still try because you never know when it might work).  I'm an absolute delight on long car trips. But now the waiting is over.  The socks that I started back when it was snowy, finished in March, and photographed in April...the socks that I thought were coming out on Monday...can now be shared. I'm pleased to present Inlay. And yes, I am [...]

June 23, 2011|

Super Secret Stealth Post

There might just possibly be a wee giveaway of the book over here.  Ya know....just on the outside chance that one of you happened to want a free copy.  Not that any of you knit socks or anything like that.  Does it make me a crazy stalker if I've refreshed a time or two to read the comments? P.S. Oh, and if you're worried about that 'skill testing question' thing, I think it's the Canadian equivalent of the no purchase necessary fine print on contests in the U.S. (and it may only apply to Canadian winners, though I'm not sure).  [...]

January 21, 2011|
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