Magic tricks
It seems only fair for a mushroom to know a magic trick or two, right? And one of my favorite tricks with these is that you can get them to stand up long as you're willing to do a bit of magic of your own. Now, the ones with nice chunky stems will just sort of stand up without any extra fiddling. Especially if you slip a coin or a washer in the bottom to make it nice and flat. can do a few things to further stack the odds in your favor. The more weight you can [...]
I should probably spin you a tale. I should tell you some enchanting story about where these came from and how they happened. But I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to tell you that Foraged is out, and it's 10% off for the next few days with the code FAIRYRING. You have to come up with your own story. Which really...if you have props this cute, shouldn't be all that hard to do! For you see, there is no story on my part. I pretty much just wondered if I could knit a mushroom, then found myself knitting [...]
Things about which I am not sorry
This is fine. This is a totally valid thing for an adult to spend their life doing. This fills me with glee (and from what I hear, it does the same for quite a number of you too), and hurts absolutely no one. Rock on with your teeny tiny knits, bring joy to yourself and others, and never ever apologize!
I can't take a walk through the yard without finding some little...friends. Things that have popped up in the night. Some of them vanish in a day or two, some stick around for a surprisingly long time. I've heard rumors some of them are quite tasty, but I do not trust my plant identification skills enough to risk it. I'll stick to knitted versions instead. Fewer risks. Much higher in fiber. Yarns are by the always amazing Seven Sisters Arts (never made a color I don't adore and I don't think they ever will). And yes, it's safe to guess [...]
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