A Piece of Scrap Yarn
You know that line in a lot of my mitt patterns? The one that says 'set thumb stitches aside on a spare needle or piece of scrap yarn?' Yeah, I'd really sort of suggest you take the piece of spare yarn option. I know that means you have to dig out a bit of extra yarn (hint, don't use the yarn you're knitting with, use a nice thick one of a different color) and a needle, and sometimes that's too much of a pain, but if you can, it's the best choice. Why? Two reasons. First, when you try [...]
After the Rip
The rip fest mentioned the other day has been accomplished and the yarn put to much better use. See? It's ever so much happier now. Of course there is the small issue of Rosamund's wrist being slimmer than mine (freaky man hands, that's me). When it's on me, it opens up a bit more and shows off the fancy stitch work. I've got the second one on the needles and should have it banged out with a few more hours of knitting. The yarn is Nichole by Schaefer in Dian Fossey. There's a lovely gray bit hidden in among all [...]
A Pack of Filthy Lies
I had the best of intentions. I have about two thirds of a hat...two thirds of what I am increasingly sure will be a cute hat. I have the firm desire to show you this partial hat. But you see, I also have three nefarious kitten overlords, a tendency to fill the bathroom sink to block swatches, and poor judgement as to how well the kittens will behave in the presence of a sink full of water. Hi-jinx ensued. The short version is that I now have a very damp partial hat that is in no way photo ready. I [...]
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