The last few days have seen lots of knitting and lots of testing but little actual tangible progress. The Slalom mitts are finished, the pattern is tested, and I will take pictures and release the pattern as soon as the sun comes out. The Xanthophyll socks are in a similar state, though their release requires (the much more daunting task of) getting The Boy home and in them during daylight hours. Both should likely go live sometime later this week. I will be doing another yarn giveaway with the release of Xanthophyll, this time in conjunction with Shalimar Yarns who [...]
Heresy I know, but very occasionally I do knit something other than socks. Don't worry, I'm not straying too far afield this time. Often, when knitting socks, there is a little nugget of yarn leftover when you're finished. It's not really enough to make another sock, but it's far too much to throw away. Eventually (surprisingly quickly if we're being honest), you can amass quite a collection of these little balls of color. Some people turn them into marvelous blankets or other gigantic projects. I haven't the patience. Some people turn them into seriously colorful socks. I'm too lazy to [...]
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