I have an unhealthy relationship with blocking…

More pieces for Curls 3 have started to come in, and I love each and every one.  I cannot wait to get them properly blocked and show off their full glory.  But until then, you'll have to be content with a little peek at them fresh off the needles. That's out of Knit Circus' Magnificent DK. And that's out of Spun Right Round's Squish DK. Oh wait, it's reversible, so let's see both sides. Now of course you'll get to see them as they get blocked.  But sometimes you can just tell ahead of time that things are just going [...]

August 8, 2017|

Circumvolute (plus giveaway)

I think it's time we have a new pattern, don't you?  Around here there's still plenty of time to bang out a hat or two before spring starts flirting with us, and Circumvolute is a lovely choice. Now, I don't know about you, but lately I've been seeing lots and lots and lots of lovely speckled yarns.  Usually I see one, fall hopelessly in love, buy it, take it home, then swatch and swatch and swatch and never quite sort out something that works with the yarn.  But these hats fix that. I finally figured out that speckled yarn likes [...]

February 7, 2017|

All mine

I feel downright devious...the hat pattern in this yarn is coming next week.  The pictures are done.  The pattern is done.  It's all set up and ready to go and I love it to pieces. And now?  Now I have grabbed the tiny bits of leftover yarn and am just playing.  I'm making myself some teeny tiny afterthought cuffs to go along with the hats.  Just for fun, just to use up the extra yarn, just because I can. They're not going into a pattern (the won't even be done by the time the hats come out), they don't need [...]

February 4, 2017|

Just a bit more

Remember the gray hats with the yellow speckles?  These pretty things? They're coming out next week (if you want me to remind you when they come, you can make that happen here).  But I cheated and took pictures of them back in October when we were in Maine, so I've been wearing them for the last few months.  And I've come to the realization that I totally want some sort of hand thing to go with them. Now, there's not much yarn left...and what there is differs a bit skein to skein.  One skein has heavier speckles than the other, [...]

January 31, 2017|

Tippy top

As promised, here's the top of the hat. It hasn't quite been blocked yet (because blocking means I need to clean my sink, and that is just currently too hard), but you can still see it's going to be nifty. It does a lovely poufy, structured thing when you've got it on, and that should be even more pronounced once it's had a nice firm block (I'm considering using paper clips or something to help emphasize the pleats when I block it...I'll show it off if I do and it works well. And no, I'm still not quite sure which [...]

January 13, 2017|

And now we knit

This is at the point where we just go round and round and round until it's tall enough. Which shouldn't take too terribly much longer.  Maybe a few more inches... And, as usual, this one will have quick quick quick decreases (I have a plan for this little pinwheel looking thing I think will be awesome), so I'm trying it on like this every few rows to see how it fits.  Won't be long now!   [pextestim pex_attr_set="looking-for-this-pattern" pex_attr_autoplay="false"][/pextestim]

January 7, 2017|

Bigger and bigger

The hat continues to grow. I continue to like how ribbing looks and behaves slightly (ever so slightly) more than I dislike actually knitting it. And I am quite looking forward to watching these go careening about.  It should just about be consolation for all that ribbing. We're going to have to have a long chat about those increases at some point.  They're just lifted increases, but fiddled about with just a bit to keep them nicely matched.  I'm dearly hoping I can find someone else that has done a lovely, thorough explanation of them and just point at that.  [...]

January 5, 2017|

Two down

One mitt two mitt red mitt blue mitt (well...purple mitts, but we'll call that a fair interpretation of the text). And, just because it's how these things go around here, a hat sort of leapt on the needles. to go with it.   [pextestim pex_attr_set="looking-for-this-pattern" pex_attr_autoplay="false"][/pextestim]

January 2, 2017|


This is one of those tiny tiny things that likely matters to no one but me, but I deeply love how nicely these increases are mirrored.  It's a tiny bit fiddly, and I'll have to explain it all in the pattern, but wow is it satisfying to the part of my brain that thrives on this sort of thing!

January 1, 2017|
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