
It's been far too long, so how about another stack.  Part of an ongoing series, updated only very sporadically as the mood strikes me. Books shown are Why Buildings Fall Down and Just For Fun.  As always, these look better bigger, so click for for a closer look. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for the little shindig at Knots tomorrow.  If you're in the area, I'd be delighted if you'd come say hi.  I'll be there from noon to two.  Don't leave me there alone!

July 26, 2013|


Yup, still amused.  Part of the stacks series.  Click for a bigger pic.   Books shown are The Origin of Humankind, Naked, Fragile Things, Making Sex.

October 2, 2012|


Aiming for once a month on these, at least until they stop being amusing.  Part of the stacks series, and as always click for the bigger version. Books show are What is Cultural History, A History of Our Time (mine is an older version, the link is to the most recent one), and In Small Things Forgotten. And, if you're in the mood for a podcast, you can head over to The Yarn Thing Podcast and listen to Marly and I chat.  I've got a wee package of goodies to send off to whoever wins the drawing we talk about, [...]

August 16, 2012|


Still in the grip of the obsession.  Really it's not good.  I think my tendency to become temporarily fascinated like this must indicate some sort of mental defect.  These can't possibly amuse anyone else as much as they amuse me.  I should likely stop.  For now though, I'll just indulge myself and call it blog fodder.  As always, click for the full-sized version. Books shown are Hunger and Why We Eat What We Eat. And don't forget, comments close tonight on the Briar Rose giveaway.

July 27, 2012|


Somebody asked about these little piles of stacked books in the comments the other day.  I'll be honest, I make them all the time.  Really--all the time.  The Boy will vouch for this.  Once the idea of making little compositions with the words on the spines of books comes into your head, you'll never look at a used bookstore or the library booksale the same way again.  I can totally see doing a whole art project with nothing but perfect pictures of stacks of books. But you'll note it's been a little while since I've shared one of them.  That's [...]

July 19, 2012|


Anyone want to wager a guess as to how may outraged emails I'll get for hastening the downfall of our nation's youth or advocating scandalous behavior? Part of the Stacks series.  And as always, you can click to see a bigger picture if you'd like.

August 11, 2011|


I have rather a lot of books.  Now please don't misunderstand me.  This in no way means I have enough books or that I am done buying books.  Far from it.  It simply means I have quite a few of them laying around. From time to time, the titles of books seem to tell their own little stories, independent of their actual content.  It amuses me to stack them up and giggle at them. Once, long ago, I thought I'd make a website just for these little stacks.  That never quite happened, but the tendency to cast my eye over [...]

July 11, 2011|
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