Look, I’m sure that you are an absolute bastion of tidiness. A paragon of order. The very pinnacle of organizational prowess.
You start a project, work on it consistently, complete it promptly, and then move onto the next project. In that order. At a steady clip. Every time.
I, however, am not quite so fortunate.
I am a person who found this in a basket in their office.
This, in case the crumpled pile of purple fluff is not clear, is a fully finished hat and pair of mitts, ends woven in and everything.
A stroll through the outer reaches of my hard drive suggests that I started (and likely finished) knitting this hat in JANUARY OF 2017.
That, for those of you keeping track at home, is FIVE WHOLE YEARS AGO.
But this, this is not the the end of this particular shameful saga. Oh no. It gets much worse. And I shall detail it for you at length over the coming days (lucky you).
Because this is demonstrably not the first time this particular pile of goodness had surfaced from the depths of my office/brain. And it’s well past time for it to come out into the world! But not before I finish confessing all my misdeeds so I can seek absolution (or at least a more tidy set of office bins) and grow as a person.
Yup. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
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