I love it when a plan comes together
So, when I said my brain likes exploring variations on a theme, I really did mean it.
Remember I showed you the hat? And then I mentioned I’d been working on a little sampler with variations of the stitch I used on the hat? Yeah, that’s the first picture. Because you know, at least mildly photogenic.
But the great whacking pile of stuff in the second picture? That’s the current state of the thing I’m putting together to explain the variations shown in the sampler. Less photogenic, but wow is it rather nifty. Never let it be said I’m not thorough when I get an idea in my head!
The hat is scheduled to be out at the very end of January, and the piece with the variations should be out in February.
Utter Nonsense folks will get the exploration of the variations, Rampant Nonsense folks will get the variations plus the hat pattern (and I suspect we’ll find something for the Sheer Nonsense folks too, because really there’s enough here to share some of it with everyone, I just haven’t quite figured out exactly what yet).
But this is exactly the sort of thing I hoped setting up patreon would let me do! Because I love playing with variations like this. But it’s just wildly impractical to do all that for a stand alone pattern when you’re trying to get patterns out at the rate you have to do them to have just selling patterns be a feasible job.
But setting up the shiny new thing changed the balance on that…and wow is it fun!
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