
Kitten Overlord Douglas is decidedly unimpressed by my sink full of soaking socks. I, on the other hand, am totally impressed and looking forward to some serious sock pictures over the next few weeks.  I'll see what I can do about the furball's attitude, but enthusiasm is notoriously hard to generate in cats.

August 20, 2015|

Tools, the blocking edition

I am particular about blocking.  It makes such a tremendous difference in how your finished knitting looks (and fits) that it's worth taking a the extra time to do it right.  It's only going to take a fraction of the time you've already spent knitting, so it seems well worth the effort. I've been blocking things for the photo shoot (April 7, remember...you're all supposed to be arranging for a warm, bright-but-overcast day, with no snow on the ground, ok?), and thought I'd take a second to show off some of the tools I like best for blocking.  You can [...]

March 12, 2015|

Perfectly Normal

Someone reassure me that it is perfectly normal to have 'block the knits you plan to photograph on the trip' as a step on one's adventure planning checklist.  Everybody does that, right? That's the blue socks you've all been asking about and the purple hat and mitts from last winter.  That hat and mitts are totally totally done (as in the pattern is written, laid out, and tested).  As soon as I have proper pics slotted in, I'll be ready to release it.  And The Boy (it's his hat) and I are off to somewhere both picturesque and chilly here [...]

October 16, 2014|
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