And still snowy

Ok I did my part. I knit a whole hat (a whole large hat, for my very large head, with a nice deep folded up brim) in a mere two days. Two snowy, cold, blustery days. Two snowy days which happened after a whole snowy week. Two snowy days which seem to have happened before a whole 'nother snowy week. We're at the 'around a foot of snow on the deck railing' stage of things. Which means going outside for photos is simply not happening. Which means we must continue to wait for the pattern (though I do plan to [...]

February 10, 2025|

Still snowy

Still snowy. Still not going outside. Still quite content to work on this instead. I stand by my life choices. Though if one of you could make it melt enough for me to get pictures sometime in the next week or so that would be lovely. For I have heard a rumor that some of you wish to have your own version of these. And I'm happy to facilitate that...but I'm going to need to not get frostbite in the process.

February 9, 2025|

It’s snowy…

So the first hat is done (as in knit, blocked, pattern written and tested), but outside is encrusted in an alarmingly thick layer of the worst glitter, and I am not going outside in that for pictures (pictures in the snow are both harder to take and never that cute when I take them). So of course it seems reasonable to cast on another version of this hat. This time with a folded brim. Which, though I dearly love wearing, is always a bit of a gut punch to knit because you go from 'look this is like six inches [...]

February 8, 2025|


I know myself. I know I believe accessories are more fun in sets. And I keep that in mind when I buy yarn. So when I finished the hat and found myself in possession of an extra skein of each (plus a fairly sizeable leftovers ball of each of the original skeins), I knew what needed to happen Though just because I'm not surprised doesn't mean I'm not delighted...

January 10, 2025|

Double down

Am I going to block this, then fix the goofy bit, then block it again? Yup. Because that's the best way to make the fix damn near invisible, and because blocking takes all of 2 minutes of active effort (get it wet, squeeze it out, plop it over the hat form, smooth it out) and because it's finally cold enough that even I, Ice Princess Supreme, She of the Warm Woolly Sweaters, have finally turned the damn heat on (to a perfectly respectable 55, thank you very much, because frozen pipes are no fun at all) so it dries in [...]

January 9, 2025|

Off to a good start

Well, that's this year's first official knit, and I'm declaring the year off to a good start. Though I have noticed a spot where a decrease is leaning the wrong way. Yes, even though I ripped the whole damn thing out to fix that at the beginning. What can I say, I am a pile of electrified meat, there are bound to be errors. You can now commence everyone's favorite game: Find the Fuckup. I will be fixing it, but in that cheating sort of way where I do it with a bit of extra yarn, not in the proper [...]

January 8, 2025|

What’s this called?

Ok, so the bit where the yellow opens up and we just run in yellow for a we run for a while in yellow with the blue only sort of peeking out in the background...what is that called? It's not just one color brioche. The blue is in there, every other row, just modified slightly. So here's how this works. Normally with two color brioche in the round, it goes like this: On one round, with one color (yellow here): knit 1 (catching the wrap of the other color from the previous round along with the stitch you're knitting), slip [...]

January 7, 2025|


The hat is now ready for the decreases. How do I know? Well, in this case, it's because of where I am in the pattern repeat (this one has a lot of rows, so there are only a couple of set points where it makes sense to do the decreases). But on a less constrained hat (say one with a two row repeat or a four row repeat or a six row repeat), it can be a little tricky to tell. The best method I know is to lay the hand of whoever is going to wear the thing on [...]

January 5, 2025|

Deepest darkest

Last week, as I was looking for my bucket of eyes, I came across a hat. A completely finished hat (the hat's actually off the needles, this was just a picture from way way way back on my camera's memory card of it still on the needles). A completely finished hat that I'd left to molder in the deepest, darkest recesses of the bookshelf bins for goodness only knows how long. Now, this hat will likely never see the light of day. The brioche pulls the fabric a bit too much, so it doesn't fit terribly well or feel very [...]

October 16, 2023|
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