Dream Big (Plus Giveaway)

So just to recap, way back in March I introduced you to the amazing Dreaming of Shetland project in support of Deb Robson's work.  Then, in August, the first installment of the book came out and I talked a bit more about the project itself.  Now, I'm happy to say, the installment with my project in it is out! I can't tell you how delighted I am by this book.  It is a beautiful example of the fiber community coming together to support one of our own.  You know how you have that sneaking suspicion that knitters really are pretty [...]

September 16, 2013|

Dream a Little Dream

As some of you may recall, earlier this year The Boy and I headed out to our local picturesque abandoned greenhouse (every well equipped town has one).  We were hunting for photoshoot locations, and we snapped a few pics of some lovely pink mitts while we were there.  I let you know they were for a project, and I promised I'd come back and tell you all about it when it went live. Well it's out now, and I couldn't be more delighted!  May I introduce Dreaming of Shetland: A Dream-Funder Project for Deborah Robson. I first met Deb when [...]

August 19, 2013|

Out of the Bag

I made mention, when I talked about the pink mitts, that they were going to be part of a collaborative project.  I was all circumspect and discreet and gave no details away.  For you see, it wasn't my project so it wasn't my place to spill the beans.  But the beans, the beans have now been spilt (which spell check tells me is the wrong way to put spill in the past tense, but I maintain is just fine), so I can blab away. I'm thrilled to announce that these mitts will be one of many projects in a collaborative [...]

March 21, 2013|
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