Cerise, Second Curls KAL
We're doing knitalongs for the patterns in Curls, and it's time for the second pattern in the book, Cerise. Now, I’m also a big fan of relaxed knitalongs. I am not a fan of stress or hard deadlines, so we’re going to make this easy. All the details for this one are over the KAL thread in my ravelry group. But the gist is knit this pattern over the next two months, show it off and talk about it in that thread, and some time after the KAL ends I’ll send someone who posted a picture of a finished project [...]
Cerise & The Fibre Company
I'm using the Curls preorder to introduce the patterns and yarns from the book. I'll be featuring a new pair each day. Most of the yarn companies have donated lovely prizes, so come back every day to see what's new! Cerise in Road to China Light from The Fibre Co. I'm going to make a confession. Despite more or less passing as an adult most of the time, I am occasionally far too easily amused. The wonderful, bouncy spiral on this piece entertains me far more than it has any right to. My only consolation is that I'm not alone. [...]
I went to Rhinebeck and didn't buy yarn. I know this sounds a bit odd, but I get rather frazzled when I find myself somewhere crowded. I bailed out after less than three hours. I wanted very badly to be elsewhere, so we left. Luckily, we were up in Maine after Rhinebeck, and Maine seems to be exceptionally well supplied with yarn stores. I visited quite a few of them. Of course we went into Portland, which means of course we went to KnitWit, which means of course I bought yarn from Quince & Co. Rather a lot of yarn actually. [...]
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