Bubble bubble

So...it's fine to spend some time in your yard trying to take a Halloween vibe photo of some little leaf buddies. That's totally cool.⁠⠀ ⁠And it's lovely to meet folks from the neighborhood. Totally great to get to know everyone.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ But it's a Tiny Bit Awkward to meet folks from the neighborhood while you're standing in the yard taking photos of tiny wooden dolls, dressed in lovely knit capes, posed around a bubbling cauldron. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ The temptation is to explain.⁠⠀That will make you sound mad. ⁠⠀Much better to just maintain cheerful eye contact and make polite chit chat [...]

October 15, 2019|


Yesterday I found myself in my local graveyard, sitting on the ground by a mossy tree stump, carefully wrapping tiny wooden dolls in wooly capes and tucking them inside knitted leaves so I could take pretty pictures of them.  And, because brains are tremendous storehouses of every stressful thing that's ever happened to you, I found myself thinking of a moment at the beginning of eighth grade. My english teacher (hi Mrs. Bottorff!) called me aside after class and told me that one of my other teachers had warned her that I was simple (her word, not mine) and would [...]

September 13, 2019|

And now for something a bit lighter

I could tell you a story. I could tell you about tiny capes and perfectly shaped hoods and tying tiny bows. But I'm not going to.  I'm just going to show you these and count on you to imagine it all for yourself. Because I'm pretty sure you can imagine exactly how adorable these are and how irresistible and how much you just want to cradle them in your hands and make frankly ridiculous cooing noises.  You don't need me to tell you how it's done. What I will tell you is that the pattern is coming soon (later this [...]

September 11, 2019|

You didn’t think I left the tops open by accident did you

So those leaves? The rainbow mountain of ridiculous leaves? Yeah.  They need something to go in them don't you think?  Something as absurdly cute and ridiculous as they are? It seems only reasonable. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.   [pextestim pex_attr_set="looking-for-this-pattern" pex_attr_autoplay="false"][/pextestim]

September 9, 2019|

I mean at least it’s seasonally appropriate, right?

Once upon a time there was a knitter with a short attention span. A short attention span and a fondness for cute things. If you showed her a cute tiny thing...a thing she could knit in one sitting, she'd be delighted. She'd knit it again and again and again. Even if you kind of wished she wouldn't.

September 6, 2019|

Here we go again

Remember the stash dive the other day? The one that led to a small mountain of fall-colored scraps heaped in a pile in the corner of my office? Yeah.  Well those little bits of yarn crept up behind me when I wasn't looking, tripped me, wrestled me into submission, and climbed onto my needles. This is the start of one of those things.  One of those ridiculous, pointless, all-consuming obsessions that occasionally grips me. And I mean, the results are never bad.  In the past, these fits have led to hears, stars, acorns, and cupcakes.  All of which have, in [...]

September 1, 2019|
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