Behind the scenes
I am a firm believer in easy. And one of the things I do to keep things easy is find a handy, neutral background somewhere with good light and take most of my blog photos there. You're here to look at the stitches, not the scenery, so there's not much point in tromping off to somewhere picturesque to show you 'look, six more rounds of this hat/sock/whatever.' In the Cleveland house, it was the top of the porch railing. You can see a bit of it here, and it was the background in pretty much every close up shot while [...]
Kitten Overlord Levon wants to be sure that we are all aware of his work in the furtherance of the knitting cause. He is worried Kitten Overlord Douglas may steal too much attention, so he asked me to mention just how hard he works to keep me firmly settled in my seat, busily cooking up new projects. He guards my tea and delicately pats my knee with one paw if I do anything as ill considered as getting up. He does ask, however, that we not discuss the small whisker in cream incident that occurred shortly after this picture was [...]
Exactly what part of "Go away, this is my chair" did you not understand?
Helper Kittens
I believe I've mentioned the importance of bins to my organizational scheme. They really are quite central to the overall structure of my world. Each book gets two bins, one for the yarn and swatches, and one for the finished pieces. Watching the bins fill and empty is how I mark the progress of the books. And yet, at the moment, I find myself with two empty bins (because Curls just finished up, and the next book is all ready for its photo shoot and so put tidily away, Curls 2 is in progress, and the yarn for the book [...]
Kitten Overlords Barry and Levon would like you to relax. They think you very likely need a bit of a rest. To help you in this quest, they will demonstrate a high quality napping strategy. Please pay close attention.
Helper Kitten
The e version is live (meaning if you've bought it, you should get an email and likely a ravelry message saying you can update your file). I hope you all like it as much as I do! And now that that part is done, the putting books in envelopes part can begin. Levon has graciously agreed to keep me company while I work on this...very kind of him, it's a big project! (Don't worry, he only plays in the empty boxes, he doesn't get to mess with the books.) Oh, and because someone will ask, even if you missed out [...]
I should be displaying impressive industry. There are emails to write, yarns to select, stores to contact, swatches to knit. In short, there are things to do. But I regret to inform you that I will be doing none of those things for the next few minutes. Because there is also this. A rare moment of kitten calm. I'm going to bask in it while it lasts. I'm sure you'll all understand. A moment like this needs to be documented for posterity.
I'm not the sort to make the bed. I really have a hard time seeing the point. My bed is not a decorative object, it is an object of use. Making the bed makes it prettier, but less useful. I'm opposed to this on philosophical grounds (it's the same objection I have to many of the world's more ludicrous shoes...they may make me prettier, but they also make me less useful). I'm also deeply lazy. So I more or less never make the bed. I did, shockingly, make an exception for the new duvet covers. Just this once mind you. [...]
Barry and Levon would like you to know that they, too, are making contributions to the current sewing project. They're doing their very best to fuzz up the place. They are quite effective. And Mr. Random Number Generator would like you to know that Leslie has won Rachel's lovely book. Thanks to everyone who entered, and special thanks to Rachel for making such fantastic socks!
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