Lithic (plus giveaway)

While normally I like to be all curmudgeonly and pretty much only work by myself, every once in a while someone comes along who can talk me into playing nicely with others.  Lithic is the result of one of those collaborations. You see, a few years ago, the good folks at Blue Moon Fiber Arts asked if I'd like to do a sock for their Rockin' Sock Club.  I allowed as how that could be fun, yarn went winging its way across the land, and a sock was born.  It came out as their July 2013 installment (under the name [...]

March 1, 2016|

Not Abandoned

Lest you think I've abandoned sock knitting entirely, allow me to provide proof to the contrary.  These are unabashedly complicated.  The cables are tiny and intricate.  The side cable carries on down the foot.  The gusset is shifted around a bit.  The heel is ribbed and so is the toe.  They are not restful socks.  You can't knit them in a dark movie theater (or at least I can't, you may be more clever than I and quite capable of such a feat).  They are lovely socks though, and I find them well worth the effort.  Or at least I [...]

May 9, 2011|


Well it would appear I have license to blab away.  You guys are awesome for letting me know what you prefer.  And I'm somehow unreasonably pleased you want to hear about it.  Keeping quiet goes against my natural tendencies (or else why exactly would I have a website in the first place).  It also means I'll be able to keep posting with some regularity, despite being focused on book knitting rather than personal knitting. Of course I haven't abandoned personal knitting all together.  I did take a little break after the weekend of epic frustration. To keep from going into [...]

April 7, 2011|
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