
Ok, important stuff first (but do read to the end, I've got yarn to give away).  This is Lucent. It's a marvelous little hat and cuff set.  It was a Woolen Rabbit club pattern back in the fall.  Ever since it came out, I've had oodles of folks asking when it could be theirs.  I don't blame them for being impatient (I've been eager to have this one out in the world too), and I'm delighted to say that the wait is over.  The pattern is now available. I adore this set.  The starburst is unreasonably fun to knit (and [...]

May 1, 2014|


I think I have a plan.  Well no, I totally have a plan, I always have a plan.  It's more like I have a plan that is far enough along to do something bold like mention it publicly.  Let's do a little run down, shall we? First up will be the alarmingly versatile socks.  They pretty much just need a name and a final once over (having been modeled and tested by a bunch of very gracious folks who don't let on at all when they think I'm being crazy).  The plan is to put these out next week.  The [...]

April 18, 2014|
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