Peregrinate (plus giveaway)

You know when your knitting hits that perfect, meditative place? The spot where your fingers know just what to do and your stitches flow perfectly and all you have to do is sit back and admire your work?  Well Peregrinate totally hit that spot for me, and I'm so glad to have them back out! The pattern on the leg is very mellow.  Just knits, purls, and teeny tiny cables.  You'll have it memorized in no time, and the result is something really lovely. Things get a little more interesting when you get to the foot.  The main pattern slowly [...]

April 19, 2016|

Signs of Life

I have done a thorough investigation and can now confidently say that being sick sucks.  Refusing to lay down and rest so as to get better seems to prolong being sick.  Doing even more stuff than usual because you're busy and things need to get done seems to actually make it worse.  Despite my very best efforts, I appear not to be able to will this germ away and have had to actually lay down and rest as opposed to saying I will lay down and rest and completely neglecting to do so.  I really don't think this is fair [...]

October 31, 2010|

Patterns and Yarn and Pictures Oh My

Alrighty, after much delay (we're pretending it's so I could take the socks far away for a photo shoot, not because I was lazy) the pattern for Peregrinate is out. I had great fun with these.  They came with me on my trip to DC for Savor and on my trips to Rochester and Pontiac to see Jukebox the Ghost and on a few other smaller trips too.  The vast majority of them were knit on the road, which seems fitting given the name.  I finished them shortly before my excursion to Port Ludlow, so I thought it was only [...]

July 16, 2010|

Quite Alright, Thank You

One of the most enjoyable things about the retreat was that everyone staying at the Inn was there for the same thing.  It was unexpectedly liberating.  You knew that no one would think it odd that you were carrying around a spinning wheel or sitting on the porch knitting or carefully photographing a ball of brightly colored fluff.  If you noticed someone peering intently at your work you could be sure that they would ask about the yarn or the technique or the colorway, not ask 'don't you know you can buy socks at the store?'  Even the staff had [...]

July 15, 2010|

Heads up…

Just a quick heads up.  The latest socks, peregrinate, are up for testing over on ravelry.  If you want to volunteer, take a look.  I'm picking testers Monday. Tomorrow morning I'm off to the Great Lakes Fiber Show.  Last year I came away with quite a haul.  I shall try to be more restrained this year.  I'll report back with details and likely fuzzy farm critters.

May 29, 2010|


So, after a nearly inexcusable delay, here's the sock from the vicious ripping session shown below.  Alas, I fear my photo doesn't do it justice.  The ripped bit is over there on the outside of my ankle, and I can't quite manage to get a good picture of the outside of my own foot.  I think this gives you the general idea though.  I promise it is nifty, was well worth the rip, and will be shown in greater glory in future photos. The yarn is by Suzan, purveyor of the marvelous Barking Dog Yarns, and it is a treat [...]

May 24, 2010|

Good Enough to Rip

I hate ripping.  Loathe it.  I will generally avoid it at all costs.  Not this time.  These were worth ripping to make them perfect.  Yes, it was just one gusset.  Yes it was a tiny fix (shifting the location of the line of gusset decreases if you want to know).  But damn was it worth it.  Shots that show the bigger picture soon.  It's still at that state where it looks funny to the outside world, but I'm confident they'll be nifty.  Call it sock adolescence.  Makes for awkward photos.

May 19, 2010|

Really Good

If you're really good, your needles match your plants.  I find it unreasonably amusing.  Just playing with this right now, but I think it has potential.  Loving the yarn, more about it soon.

May 17, 2010|
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