Petiole (plus giveaway)

So confession time, there's something about knitted leaves.  I'm not honestly sure what, and I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be this satisfying.  But who am I to argue.  I like them, and I suspect you do too.  Especially the adorable ones in Petiole! So the hat's great fun.  It's tidy and orderly and totally worth working all that ribbing for the brim (you've know me long enough to know I go a bit cross eyed when asked to do more than three rows of ribbing).  And of course the crown is downright lovely (because no one has time for boring [...]

October 18, 2016|

Oh hey, knitting…

So it's been a while, but some of you may remember sometimes I do this thing where I use two sticks to tie long pieces of string in fancy knots.  Then I take pictures of the knots and talk about them on the internet.  Which I know sounds odd, but it's been a while since I've had time to do it (there was this book was time consuming), and I find I sort of miss it.  So, how about a picture of some fancy knots. That's the reknit of my old Petiole pattern.  The original pattern had the hat [...]

December 1, 2014|

And a Good Plan it Was

There was a plan.  It was a plan that involved me finishing the hat and the mitts while we were up here and taking pictures here.  I even demonstrated an impressive amount of forethought and planning by bringing appropriate blocking gear and the stuff to make my hair all shiny and well behaved.  But then, the leftover yarn proved too much for me to resist, and I had to make a neck thing. Alas, the neck thing won't be done while we're here (close, but not quite).  And while I did bring mitt blockers (as you do), I did not [...]

October 29, 2014|


The hat and cuffs are done.  Even done and blocked.  But there was far too much yarn left to just let it sit about unused, so I decided to do an alarmingly small scarf.  It will be a wee little thing, just the sort of fluff that wraps around your neck and pins in place with a lovely fastener (I may possibly have obtained said fastener when I stopped by String Theory, but that's a story for another time).  It's well underway and will be shown off more in the days to come.  

October 27, 2014|

As Promised

Despite that wee bit of pre-trip knitting that resulted in the unexpectedly early completion of the hat and one mitt, I did manage to save some knitting for the trip. As proof, I offer the mitt on the needles on the conveniently photogenic moldering log located beside the place we are staying.  It will be done with just a few more minutes of knitting, and then that lovely great pile of remaining yarn will get turned into some sort of snuggly neck thing.  I am fairly sure it will be delightful.

October 26, 2014|

Best of Intentions

I meant for this to be road knitting.  Really I did.  But the hat was finished, and I had just a few minutes, and I felt like knitting.  Then, somehow, all of a sudden...there it was. All I can say is that it is damn cute, and I'm not really sure how much apologizing can be done for that level of cuteness.  And now that I see how little yarn it takes (and how much of my second ball I have left over), I find myself wondering if a little cowl might round out this set nicely...

October 22, 2014|

Ahead of Schedule

I know that this was supposed to be road knitting.  And I know that this is a finished hat perched on my back fence. All I can say is that it's an easy pattern, it's a pretty yarn, and sometimes I fall prey to knitting spurts and need to bang these things out quickly.  In my defense, I will take the mitts on the road.  And perhaps this way I can get pattern pics while I'm away and re-release this pattern this season.

October 21, 2014|


When last we left the hat, I was wrestling with the perpetual brimmed hat question...will my laziness win out? Or will I conquer the deep folded brim.  Four full inches of 1 by 1 twisted ribbing later, I can proudly say I was victorious. It looks ridiculous when it's left unfolded of course, but when it's turned up, it's adorable. Now comes the too short/too long/too short/too long dance that marks the final few inches of every hat.  I have high expectations for this one.

October 20, 2014|

How to Knit a Hat

The hat is underway.  The hat, destined as it is to have a nice deep brim, begins with an almost interminable stretch of 1 x 1 twisted ribbing.  The hat is whispering to me how much more interesting life will be when I start the patterned bit, and I am firmly pointing out that it will be more fun to wear with a deep brim.  I'll let you know how the conflict ends.  In the meantime, I thought I'd tell you how to knit a hat. 1) Decide upon yarn, pattern, and needles. 2) Knit a nice swatch and, armed [...]

October 15, 2014|
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