Knitter’s Choice

I feel like I have been slacking.  This is actually a pretty ridiculous way to feel.  I've turned 51 patterns in the last two (and a bit) years.  That's a rate of aaaaalmost two patterns a month, which isn't exactly slow.  And of course that's only counting the patterns that are out.  I've got quite a few lined up and waiting to make their appearance in one form or another.  But it's been an unusually long time since I put out a pattern, and it's bugging me.  This isn't for any lack of patterns to hand.  I have two all [...]

May 18, 2011|


Behold, the hat! The amount of scrunchiness in the back will be adjusted once I have the target head to hand, but this gives the general idea.  Once it has been adjusted, those wee dangling strings will be removed. If you think you might like to test it, find me on ravelry and volunteer (I'm all set on this one, thanks.  But feel free to join the Violently Domestic group if you want to know about future tests).  More details and photos to come.

April 19, 2011|

Nothing to See Here

This is more or less a filler post (sorry, but it's true).  Let's just consider it proof I'm not dead and I haven't stopped knitting all together.  Alas, it rather feels like I have.  Most of my knitting of late has been book swatches.  These, while fun, don't really result in finished objects.  Well, I suppose the swatches themselves are finished objects (I'm totally keeping them in a pretty little bowl and calling them decoration when the whole lot of them are done), but they're not satisfying in the way a useful finished object is. This is the next stage [...]

April 18, 2011|

Alphonse to the Rescue

This picture is a lie. I took it over the weekend.  The hat is actually much taller now. I, however, am lazy (or possibly just busy) and haven't had a chance to take another picture. Imagine something much like this, but a good bit taller. The yarn is from McFarland's Llama Farm, and I got it at the Black Swamp Spinners Guild Market Day.  It took a bit of experimenting to find a stitch pattern that played nicely with the yarn.  It turns out that simpler is better.  Lace or cables or even textured stitch patterns sort of got lost [...]

April 13, 2011|
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