Flirt Shamelessly

So yesterday I showed you the 'behind the scenes' side of taking pictures.  Well, of me trying to take pictures.  I have a feeling the process will be a bit more orderly when we go off for the proper photo shoot with a real photographer. Today I get to show off the pretty glamor shots.  Now you'll note I'm still not showing you the whole socks.  Why?  Because I like to torture you?  No, wait, that's supposed to be a secret.  Um, because I want their first full frontal shots to have the benefit of the foot model and the [...]

September 28, 2010|

Bursting the Bubble

A big part of becoming a grown up seems to be learning to tell the difference between the make believe and the real world. According to all the pictures you find in magazines (or even worse, the shows on the house porn channels) some important things happen once you are a successful adult. You are always polished and poised and totally pulled together. You own stunning accessories and know what in the world to do with a scarf. Your hair is astonishingly smooth, and your teeth are blindingly white. Dust no longer exists in your world, and while you have [...]

September 27, 2010|

Dippers Redux

As promised, the cleaned up version of Dippers is now available.  Again, the old one wasn't exactly wrong -- lots of people made them with great success.  It just wasn't quite as tidy as I wanted it to be.  And, again, alas, no new pictures.  Apparently socks get fuzzy and less photogenic after more than a year of heavy wear. Next week I'll be back with book news (the kind with pictures and dates and specific plans).

September 25, 2010|


I spent the weekend blocking the socks for the book.  Well, not the whole weekend, it doesn't exactly involve a lot of active work, mostly five minutes of soaking and stretching followed by a few hours of waiting for things to dry.  Sheri at The Loopy Ewe was kind enough to send me a pair of her lovely sock blockers in medium, as the ones I had were an extra large and so not quite right for this project.  Almost all of the socks are here, and blocking takes a while when you've got this many socks, so it seemed [...]

September 14, 2010|

Out of the Bag

Waiting is hard.  We all know that.  I've just never been sure of is if it's harder to be waiting to get something or waiting to share something.  Patience isn't my strong suit in any case.  The lead up to long-awaited events has too often found me hopping up and down like a psychotic kangaroo chanting either "give-me-a-hint!" or "I-have-a-seeee-cret!"  It's not pretty I tell you. So, you can imagine how twitchy I've been having to keep book stuff quiet.  Do you realize that it's been almost five months since I knew I was going to do this?  There have [...]

August 4, 2010|
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