Block All The Things…yes even your swatches
Remember the gray speckled swatch on the needle from the other day? The one with the Daintree yarn from Skein? Well it came off the needles and looked fine...but like most knitting (all...not most...all), it was a bit rumpled and untidy. That's just the nature of knitting. It needed to be blocked. All I did was squeeze it under water a few times then lay it flat beside the sink to dry. No pins, no wires, no tension, no real effort. Just soak it and lay it flat to dry. And look what a difference that made. I hear from people [...]
No I didn’t forget
So somehow over the space of a little less than 12 weeks this summer I found a house, bought a house, sold a house, launched a book, and moved across the country. I don't particularly recommend that timeline (let's just say I picked a book launch schedule long before I knew we were moving), but it turns out, it is more or less possible (if you don't mind not getting much sleep for a while in the middle there). However, it didn't leave me with much time for swatching. Luckily, I'm all settled in now (unpacked, and even most of [...]
Good Mail (yes, more!)
This really is one of the most enjoyable parts of any book...the yarn shower that comes at the beginning... Because really, how could you not love finding that in your mailbox? That's the Magnificent DK base from Knit Circus in their Brass and Steam colorway, with an extra skein of the yellow that comes at the end (the KC folks are super flexible and will totally help you get the amount/color of yarn you need for whatever scheme you've cooked up!). Or's just pretty much going to make your day no matter what. I swear it just about glows! [...]
Calcareous (plus giveaway)
We're totally on a roll. I told you I had a lovely stack of early patterns to bring back, and today's is Calcareous! These sort of hit that sweet spot between cabling and ribbing. The cables keep the ribbing from getting boring (because I can't be the only one who would go mad with boredom before I reached the end of a pair of plain ribbed socks). And the ribbing keeps the cables behaving nicely and makes sure the socks fit beautifully. And there's something rather tidy going on with the gusset there too. See how the decreases are snugged [...]
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