
And now...now we hang the skirt for a few days before hemming. This is to let the fabric do whatever stretching and falling out it's going to do under its own weight before I hem it. Now I fully admit this is important if you're making some kinds of skirt. Or if you have some kinds of brain. And if you are making that sort of skirt or have that sort of brain, and you need your hem to be really really really straight, you need to first let it hang, then put it on, then get up on a [...]

October 17, 2024|

It has pockets

Or rather, it has one pocket. For reasons totally reasonable reasons having to do with both me making this up as I go along and the way this is going to fit/be worn. But it is a really, truly, delightfully excellent pocket. A pocket I am proud of. A pocket that makes me feel clever. Which may very well say more about me than about the pocket...yet the good feelings persist. And we are embracing good feelings wherever we can. So I will for sure just bask in these good feelings for the moment. As always, the detailed breakdown of [...]

October 14, 2024|

Putting the pieces together

Ok, so day one (where day is defined as 'several hours, which is as long as I'm willing/able to spend on this project on any given day) was getting the pieces planned out and cut out. We did that last time. Day two was getting all the skirt body pieces put together. Which started with some labeling/planning. And then proceeded to the sewing bit. Which I, of course, did in the most ridiculously complicated way possible. But my god it does make a tidy seam. And a sturdy seam. And one I can make on my basic, 21 year old [...]

October 12, 2024|

A brief(ish) digression

I wish to make a skirt. Well, no, I wish to have a skirt. A very particular skirt. And in order to have the exact specific skirt I want, I will need to make it.So I have acquired several yards of lovely wool herringbone tweed. I have made a plan (a plan that does not in any way involve following the instructions of someone who knows better than me, because what fun would that be). And I have taken scissors to perfectly good fabric. You can follow along with the adventure over here, should you be so inclined! (Lots of [...]

October 11, 2024|

Next round

This...this is what's happening with the next skirt. Solid for the waist and pocket bits, wee pattern part for the rest of it. In theory, it's about two or three sewing sessions (the nebulous time frame that encompasses 'how long I can work on this before I get bored and/or sore and need to put it away). This might happen over two or three days, or it might happen over weeks or months, depending on how badly I want to wear it and how hectic the rest of life is.

June 22, 2024|

So I hated my pants

So a year or so ago I realized I had a bunch of sensory issues with...um...pants. What can I say, my brain is weird, I have sensory issues with lots of things. But the more I realize 'oh hey, that's a sensory thing, I can mitigate that,' the better my life gets (no really, so many of the things that got called 'anxiety' suddenly went away when I realized 'oh, hey, that scratchy shirt tag/those flickering lights/that buzzing noise is sucking all my will to live and tolerating it is requiring all my focus and attention and energy). So I [...]

June 17, 2024|
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