Breaking out the Machine
I saw this over on Design Sponge and fell instantly in love. It's awesome all on it's own, but they even show it filled with yarn. Very thoughtful of them! It's made from paper, and it seems like the perfect excuse to break out the sewing machine. I have a vague feeling I'd need to get a special super sturdy needle for it (like one of the ones for denim), and I might try out the fancy decorative stitches that my machine makes, but I definitely want to play with the idea. find the paper...anybody think colored tissue paper [...]
No Really, It’s OK
Every now and then someone will send me a message either apologizing because they've made one of the Silk Road Socks projects in a wild color or asking if I'd mind if they do. My response is usually 'awesome, can I see it' or 'of course it's ok.' Really folks, once I've sent them out into the world, my designs aren't just mine anymore. They're yours too, and you can do with them what you will. It's charming that you ask, but I promise it's much more interesting to see how you make them your own than it would be [...]
Fellow knitters, because I love you and want you to be happy, I'm going to share my discovery with you. For the last two years I've been bemoaning the lack of graph paper post-its. I've drawn vertical lines on the sort of post-its that come with horizontal lines. I've put tape on regular graph paper. I've even looked into getting custom post-its printed. But none of it was quite right. Then today, as I was doing the pre-holiday-crazies run through Target, I saw them. They were sitting right there on the rack, like they were just normal post-its and not [...]
I am generally pretty good at spatial reasoning tasks. I can build things. I can tell you if that piece of furniture will fit up the stairs or fit in the living room. And I can fit a whole lot of stuff in a very small suitcase. But I cannot tell you the best way to get from town A to town B. Driving directions just somehow escape me. I can get where I'm going and get back home again, but deviating from the plan leaves me feeling a bit frazzled. The Boy does not suffer from this difficulty. He [...]
Change of Plans
I was going to show you the gray sock's mate (heel just turned, coming along nicely). But for now I'll have to leave it to your imagination. I've got something much more amusing to show you. Do you remember back when I put carpet down in my side entrance? The swearing and the finger slicing? Yeah. Fun times. The carpet is still going strong and the fingers have healed. But ever since then I've been getting Flor's catalog in the mail. Normally I drop it straight in the trash. It's not that I don't like the product. I totally do. [...]
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