
In between the website upgrades, the movies, and the ice cream making, the weekend saw a bit of time for some actual knitting.  These are the newest sock on the needles and they will be for The Boy (he certainly deserves them after all the computer time he clocked over the last few days). The yarn is String Theory Merino DK in the color Carina.  The Boy picked it out when we visited String Theory in October.  The color is lovely, and just the tiniest bit odd.  It looks like the yarn itself is yellow and in some spots it's [...]

November 26, 2012|

Shiny and New

The Boy, in support of my quest for world domination through wool, graciously spent much of his Thanksgiving day diligently updating the website. I helped (mostly by saying 'that thing, make it line up with that other thing, no the one over there. Now make it the color of that other thing over on that side. Hmm, maybe not, let me see it the original way again?) and played with felt. He was most gracious. I was doubtless irritating. I think everything should be pretty self explanatory. Most things are more or less where they were before the shuffle (I'm [...]

November 23, 2012|

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you're all having a lovely day. Our plans include procuring the traditional Thanksgiving pizza, playing lots of board games, petting kittens, and generally just chilling. Sometime over the weekend, The Boy will be doing some funky footwork to spiff up the blog (what, you say you're supposed to update this stuff more than once every three years, oops).  I will be playing with this lovely wool felt I picked up and concocting some sort of festive holiday decoration (an odd urge, since we don't actually decorate for the holidays, but one I'm giving in to anyways).  I'll report [...]

November 22, 2012|
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